The Devil Made Me Do It!

This week a lovely young woman from South Africa arrived in Buenos Aires. Liz is a friend of a friend of Venetia, and has quickly become one of our group of badass women! On her first night here, Venetia, Sasha, Liz and I went for drinks on the terrace at La Biela and we told her all about Buenos Aires. She immediately latched onto the tango idea and said she wanted a lesson. Of course, I said I’d connect her with Alejandro.

However, nothing would do but she had to have the right shoes before she goes for a lesson! So today I took her for the quintessential tango shoe shopping experience at Comme Il Faut. Did I really think I could go there and not buy shoes? Of course not! Here’s the evidence.

I love these shoes! If I wasn’t going out already tonight I would go dancing in them. But since I’ve been to milonga three times already this week and I have my lesson tomorrow, maybe it’s just as well! They can wait!

More Tango Shoes

This week I signed up a lovely new client. I am going to coach her through writing her book and then editing and publishing it. I can’t wait to get started. In the meantime, of course, a new client means new tango shoes — and here they are!

My friend Patti recently asked me if I really needed more tango shoes. Of course nobody really needs more tango shoes, but when you are a tanguera it becomes an obsession. It’s all part of the marvellous tango subculture here in Buenos Aires and one of the many reasons I love my life here.

Like the shoes?

New Tango Shoes — and a Foot Massage!

After a couple of false starts, I finally found my way to a little area downtown that has a cluster of shops selling tango gear, both shoes and clothes. I went for a skirt, and got two great ones — with fishtails! Great for swishing around doing pivots!

I wasn’t going to buy shoes, but when I saw the prices I changed my mind. For the shoes and both skirts, I paid quite a bit less than half of what I paid in Toronto for just shoes. Happy girl. Can’t wait to wear the shoes to the milonga tomorrow!

And because I told the guy a lot of the shoes were too high for my feet, he gave me a lovely foot massage and said, “What’s wrong with  your feet? You have perfect feet!?” Got to love these Argentine men!