No new tango clothes!

Last weekend I did a review of my tango wardrobe and decided there were some gaps that needed filling. So on Monday afternoon, after my day’s work was done, I set off to the shop where I bought my last stuff.

I had checked their website and seen a dress I liked, but when I saw it in the shop, I didn’t like the colours — kind of drab I felt. I told the woman I like vibrant colours, and she told me she would be getting some more in next Monday. So I made a note to go back then.

But I still yearned for a sleek, tight tango dress with long tight sleeves, so back to the Internet I went. I discovered there’s a tango dress shop not far from me, so this afternoon I set off there. I found the shop, but the lights were out even though the hours said 2 – 8 pm Monday to Friday and it was 3.30 pm on Tuesday. A sign said “ring the bell”, which is quite common here. I rang twice but nothing happened, so I left — dejected.

Along the street is a cafe with outside tables, and today there was a definite hint of spring in the air (remember, Southern Hemisphere), so I sat down and ordered a nice glass of white wine.

I pulled out my phone and went to the shop’s Facebook page, where I sent an enquiry via  Messenger. I said I had been there at 3.30 pm and asked what their hours were, perhaps on Friday — thinking I couldn’t do anything else today. A few minutes later I got a response, and the following conversation took place (in Spanish):

Her: We are open from 2 – 8 pm Monday to Friday. You have to ring the bell.

Me: I did ring the bell, twice.

Her: Silence.

Me: I’m quite close. If I come by at 4 pm will someone attend me?

Her: We’re not open today. But we’ll see you on Friday.

I smiled, shrugged and said to myself, “It’s Buenos Aires!” Then I went back to enjoying my wine and the sunny afternoon on beautiful Avenida Santa Fé.