The Whole Week In One Post

Well once again I haven’t been diligent in keeping up my blog, so I now find myself on Saturday morning having to think about what I’ve done all week — heaven knows it’s not that I haven’t done anything!


I’ll start with last Saturday. It was a lovely warm, sunny day, one of those that reminds us that summer hasn’t given up yet— and which usually finds me wearing the wrong clothes! Venetia and I went off to Palermo, one of the largest barrios in the city. It has a distinct bohemian vibe, as well as some excellent shopping.

Our destination was the fair, where we both shopped quite a lot. I got some great pants and a very funky bracelet. I’m inspired by Argentine women who wear tons of big jewelry all at once — and of course if you know me, you know I need absolutely no encouragement!

We also had a very nice, healthy lunch in a great restaurant I will definitely go back to.


Sunday was, of course, Easter. Cecilia, who loves nothing more than having her house overrun with guests, issued a lunch invitation to a Facebook group we have called “Fun in Buenos Aires”, and there were three takers: Venetia, Wendy and me. She also had Renee and Ximena who were visiting from Chile, as well as Nicole and her mother, Amalia, from Peru — they are both staying with Cecilia for a while yet. Then of course there was her own family — Joaquin and Corina were there for the meal, and Pia and Valentin dropped in for a moment on their way to Valentin’s family dinner. It was festive and fun.


Our Easter holiday here is Thursday to Sunday, so on Monday I was back at work. I did take time out, though, to go and buy calendula and arnica creams for my bruised face and knee. My face has actually healed remarkably well, and as I write this it has faded to the point where it’s not noticeable with just a touch of makeup. The knee is another story — but after I started with the arnica the healing has speeded up a bit.


Tonight I did a couple of paintings. As I think I mentioned before, I’m having trouble getting the paint mix right because down here I can’t get the stuff I used in Toronto. I used to buy it on Amazon, but alas Amazon doesn’t operate here — one of the things I miss most! Anyway, I did these two small canvases and they are not bad. I’m having a big party on May 10, and I want to have some large ones on the wall by that time, so need to get on with it.


Thursday is my usual tango lesson day, and today it was even more fun than usual. Renee told me she would like a tango lesson while she was here, and I’m always happy to refer people to Alejandro. So we all went together. My lesson was first, and then he gave Renee an introductory lesson afterwards — she did very well. Ximena made a video of part of my lesson, but I won’t post it here because Alejandro and I plan to do one next week and I think it will be better. Love tango more and more!


Yesterday began with a visit to the hospital to see Cecilia, who was having some surgery. She went home this morning and is feeling fine.

The early part of the evening was the monthly BAIN event (Buenos Aires International Newcomers, which I’ve mentioned before). I always enjoy the socializing, but this time there was an extra surprise. Out of the blue, these two young women began to sing — and sublime singing it was. They performed three or four opera songs, and then everybody’s favourite Neapolitan song, O Sole Mio. It was such a lovely surprise and so typical of what happens in Buenos Aires! They are opera students, and apparently they perform free every Sunday at the San Telmo market, so we’ll definitely be going to see them there. Thanks to Venetia for sharing one of her videos of this extraordinary event.

After the BAIN event I was invited to a small dinner party at the home of two new friends, Rick and Lily. Rick is Argentine and Lily is Bolivian, but they live in the US. They come here for several months every year, and I was honoured to be invited to their home. There was an interesting collection of guests, and Rick was masterful in the way he invited each person to tell their story and encouraged interaction among the guests. They live just about a ten minute walk from me, which was a good thing because it was about 1.45 am by the time the party broke up!

And that brings me up to date. Oh, I almost forgot — I got a marriage proposal in the park last Saturday! A man invited me to sit down with him and enjoy the sun, so I did — why not? It’s Argentina after all. He told me all about himself and said he was looking for a woman to share his life. Someone beautiful, intelligent and adventurous. Then he said I could be just the one for him and what about it? I said I’d keep an eye open for the right woman, but it wasn’t me! Only in Argentina!