Beautiful Church

Last week Venetia and I went to a district that specializes in furniture shops, as I want to buy some new dining room chairs. It was an extremely hot day, and when we saw this church we knew it would be cool inside, so in we went! Like quite a number of churches in Buenos Aires, it doesn’t stand back on its own, but instead is just another number on the street — although the front and doorway itself is beautiful.

Many churches here, although beautiful, are sadly neglected through lack of funds, but that’s not the case with Santa Rosa de Lima. The marble was an unusual grey colour and very highly polished. Some of the statues I liked better than others, but none of them suffered from chipped paint and the colours were quite vibrant. Ironically, although I was impressed by it, for me this church didn’t have the sense of the sacred that I’ve felt in other less beautiful ones.

Here are some of  Venetia’s photographs, which certainly do justice to this lovely church. (And I finally took the time to learn how to place photographs in a gallery, which looks much better.)