Productive Afternoon in the Plaza

Yesterday was one of those perfect days when the sun was shining in a blue sky with absolutely no humidity, and the temperature was in the high twenties. I decided to go down to Plaza Rodriguez Peña, a lovely square that’s quite near me but for some reason I don’t go to often. I took my sketching stuff with me as well as my Spanish binder, thinking I’d decide when I got there. It was so beautiful I did both!

First I did the sketch in the park part of the plaza, and then I moved over to in front of this lovely building called Palacio Sarmiento, which belongs to the Ministry of Education. I never get tired of all the gorgeous buildings in Buenos Aires! I sat in front of it and let it inspire me as I worked on my irregular verbs!

Sorry the photo of the sketch is a bit weird, but I’m nearly at the end of this sketch book and it won’t lie flat any more.  I’ve been a bit lazy about sketching, so I’m happy I was finally able to produce something!