Art Opening









I went with some friends to an art opening the other night. Not being really a gallery fan, I never expect much from these things, but I go along anyway for the social aspect. Some of the art was quite interesting, but what I enjoyed more was the place itself.

Scattered all around Buenos Aires are “palaces” that were built in another age by wealthy families, and many have been turned into fancy restaurants, hotels, department stories and galleries. This one was very light and airy, with lovely architectural details. Here are a couple of pictures of the event.

It’s been a crazy week, and actually quite stressful. The two bureaucratic sagas continue, with both of them having me running around like a crazy woman, which makes it difficult to get work done or get on with my move. But all is well now, and I am “officially” moving to the new place tomorrow. I have this place until next Saturday, which is a good thing because I don’t have any internet yet, and the two places are quite close, so I can easily come down here for a few hours to work and then go back.

Anyway, tomorrow night I will sleep in my new home — colour me over the moon!

I Have the Keys!

This morning I got the keys to my apartment — yayy! I had another look at it this morning and it is every bit as fabulous as I remember.

I have my temporary place until March 23, so that gives me lots of time to gradually move my stuff up there without rushing. I also have to arrange an Internet provider before I actually move there as I need it for my business.

Furniture is coming at different times throughout the month, and I anticipate actually completing the move by mid-month. Can’t wait!