What a Fun Birthday!

Well, today was my birthday, and even though it was strange it was lovely in its own way!

I began with a WhatsApp video from my brother’s grandchildren wishing me happy birthday, which started my day off well.

Then some friends collaborated to have a delivery from the bakery cafe across the street, which included coffee, two medialunas, pancakes (which I kept for lunch) and a piece of cake, which I am about to have for dessert after dinner. They also included a bottle of champagne!

Then Cecilia’s son, Joaquin, arrived to pick up some stuff belonging to Cecilia, and he brought a lovely bottle of  Malbec — Joaquin is a wine guy and only buys the best!

My brother and sister-in-law FaceTimed me from Scotland, and while that was going on, my next door neighbour, Maria, arrived at my door, complete with mask, and presented me with a birthday gift — apparently Cecilia told her it was my birthday. I’ve just had a Whatsapp from a friend of Cecilia in Mercedes, whom I met several years ago. Clearly, Cecilia has told everybody in Argentina it’s my birthday! I haven’t heard from the President yet, but the night is not over yet!

At 7 pm I had a virtual party with several friends here, and a couple from here who are currently back in Canada. It was hilarious, and I’m inserting the Happy Birthday video here. As you can see, we had had a few glasses, and what with two languages and the built-in delay in Zoom calls, it is pretty much unique!

And the phone is still pinging! I would never have expected to have so much fun partying while in lockdown! It will certainly be one to remember!