Social Life Revving Up Again!

Yesterday we had a lovely lunch in the courtyard cafe attached to the Museo Evita. Because of social distancing we had to divide our party of eight between two tables, but other than that it didn’t feel very different from normal. The food was good — although the waitress didn’t write anything down and I don’t think any of us got our steak cooked the way we asked for it!

I haven’t been in the actual museum, and of course it’s closed right now. It’s on my list of things to do when I can, though. As you can see, the outside of the building is quaint, and I love this staircase with all the plants on it.

We call ourselves Ladies Who Lunch, but Lynne’s husband, Paul, is often a nice addition, as he is a great story teller! Unfortunately, Lynne took this photo so she doesn’t appear in the group — but she was there!