More things I’ve accomplished during lockdown

  • In the absence of my cleaning lady, cleaned my apartment. Most of us will be giving these worthy ladies a bonus when they come back, but in the meantime since I’m doing the work I feel I should be paid. So I’m putting away what I pay her every week, and “when all this is over” I’m going to spend it on something I’m not allowed to do now — I hope it won’t be tango shoes, as that would mean we’ll have had a very long quarantine!
  • Continued to experiment with cooking. Can I now say I love cooking? Not yet, but maybe one day. But I am eating well, and I’m saving quite a bit of money I usually spend on eating out.
  • Held an online creative writing time with three of my writer friends. We used to be in the same writers’ group here, but now one is in Chicago, one in London and two of us still here. It was so successful, and so nice to reconnect, that we’ve decided to do it every Friday at least until we are released from captivity.

Have you done anything you’d like to share? Put it in the comments.