Tina Turner Is In the House!

Well, she wasn’t really. Instead, it was our friend Joanna Maddox doing a Tina Turner tribute show at Notorius, an intimate little club about a ten minute walk from my place.

Joanna is originally from Atlanta, but lives in Buenos Aires. I try to get out to see her any time she is playing, and as I also love Tina, this went on my schedule as soon as I heard about it!

I wasn’t sitting in a very good place to shoot video, and because of all the speakers and other equipment around, I couldn’t get into a better place. We were also sitting too near the drummer — you’ll see what I mean when you watch the video. Never mind, this will give you a taste. Joanna stayed in character every moment until the show was over — she even sashayed Tina style along the passage for the intermission. Great Show.

I was with Joanna (a different one) and Wendy, and we ran into Betty and Michael, two other friends who live just three doors away from Notorius. They invited us back to their place for drinks, and it was after 1 am when we left. It was a lovely rounding out of the evening, and I enjoyed my walk home in the wee hours.