Another Hopeful Sign

As we move into summer here in Argentina, there are more and more signs (at least in Buenos Aires) of some semblance of normality. Last night there was another.

Our friend Joanna Maddox performed again at Notorious, a lovely little night club just a twenty-minute walk from me. This time, in deference to Covid protocol, it took place in the garden at the back — which I didn’t even know existed! It’s a great venue for concerts, although it doesn’t have a lot of seating capacity — and I hope there will be other events there over the summer.

Venetia and I arrived quite early, and she made this video while Joanna was doing sound checks. Thanks, as always, Venetia.

Joanna was in top form! She even called on a friend who happened to be sitting at our table, who is one of her tango partners at the milonga and they danced together. The music wasn’t tango, but the dancing most certainly was!

Joanna Sings Nina

Last night I went with some friends to see the wonderful Joanna Maddox sing Nina Simone at Notorious, a great little club just a ten-minute walk from my place. It was a great show, enjoyed with great company — what’s better than that?

I admitted to Joanna that she had introduced me to Nina Simone last night, as I honestly didn’t know her before. Having listened to some of her videos now, I know that Joanna did her justice!

When we brought her back for an encore, she surprised us by dancing instead of singing! Here’s the video.

By the way, if you’d like to see her sing Tina, check out my post here.

Jazz Concert at La Biblioteca

On Friday night I went with some friends to a concert in a little club called La Biblioteca. It’s a small, intimate space with shelves full of old books on all the walls.

The singer was Joanna Maddox. She is a jazz and blues singer from Atlanta, but she has made Buenos Aires her home and has built up quite a following. Check out the video and you’ll see why.