Glorious Purple!

It’s jacaranda season in Buenos Aires, and as glorious as always.

My friends Marcia and Cliff spent three months in the USA recently. Before they left I asked Marcia when they were coming home, and she said, “November of course—can’t miss the jacarandas!”

I don’t take many photos of them any more, but tend to just look up, smile and enjoy. But just to share them with you, I took this quick shot of the street opposite my apartment. The buildings in this section of the street aren’t very interesting, but gosh the jacarandas are beautiful!

Jacarandas in Buenos Aires

One of the loveliest sights in Buenos Aires in early summer is the profusion of jacaranda trees all over the city. Here’s a selection of photos I took on various streets over the past few days.

From the roof of Venetia’s building

Outside my building

Purple lace

Jacarandas around the beautiful French Embassy

The other side of my street