Holiday Brunch

As I reported in my last post, today I went to a holiday brunch, put on by my friend Lolly, who lives just five minutes from me. It’s almost 4 pm and I just got back.

I love that I meet new people here all the time as well as the familiar faces, and that was the case today. The food was fantastic, and Lolly served something called creme brulée french toast — OMG! To die for! To wash it down we had liberal quantities of mimosas — champagne and orange juice for the uninitiated.

I sat with an Argentine woman, a Canadian woman who owns a sustainable hotel here and speaks enviable Spanish, and her partner, also Argentine. The conversation was in rapid Spanish, and I’m happy simply with the amount of it I understood — probably 90%.

Now I’m home having a cup of tea, and then I’ll be getting ready to go dancing. This particular milonga has theme nights, and of course tonight the theme is Christmas. I’m going to wear the red top I wore last night and white leggings, with my Santa Claus earrings and my red tango shoes. I do look a bit like Santa’s little helper, so I hope men will still dance with me and not just think I’m a nutter. Ah well, only one way to find out!

Here are a few shots from today, and I just realized Lolly, the hostess, isn’t in any of them! Sorry Lolly.