Lovely Outing with Friends to Garden Centre

Yesterday was a lovely, sunny day and I spent it with Cecilia and Venetia. We first went to a nursery near Venetia’s place, called Vivero Mario. As you can see from these photos, it’s a big place

Next time I go I’ll take some photos of the actual plants!!

This well was one of several pieces decorated with broken tile mozaic. I did some of this years ago, and this made me think I’ll make a note for next winter to do it again!

I bought some saucers for my pots and a couple of hangers. Unfortunately those didn’t work on my railing, so I’ll have to get a bit creative on how to hang them. I bought some white miniature roses (which I love), some purple petunias and — wait for it — a cherry tomato plant! It actually has one tiny little green tomato on it now, so I have great hopes. There were a couple of other things I’d like, but I couldn’t carry them, so I think I’ll go back next week.

We went to lunch after the nursery, and then Cecilia left us for another appointment while Venetia and I came back here to my place. I had five very old geraniums on my bedroom window ledge, which I think hadn’t been repotted in … well maybe ever. The pots were so rotted they were held together by soil that was as hard as concrete. I’m surprised the poor things hadn’t given up.

But Venetia repotted them all and gave them some nice new soil, and told them they would feel much better now. They certainly looked better — I think I heard them singing last night!

It’s too sunny to take balcony photos right now as there are too many shadows, but I’ll do some later and again next time I go to Mario’s.

If my brother Bruce is reading this, he will be shaking his head in amazement, as I’ve always said he got the gardening gene from my Mum and I wasn’t interested in gardening. And now, here I am talking about plants and repotting like an old hand — I feel a new enthusiasm coming on!