This Could Change My Life!

I know I should eat healthy salads more for lunch, but the truth is I don’t have the time or inclination for all that washing and chopping every day for lunch. Well, the other day I found the solution online — salad in a jar!

Here’s what it looks like in the jar and on the plate.

I just emptied the whole jar onto a plate, it all came out nicely mixed and the dressing (which is on the bottom) drizzled beautifully over everything. I made three jars, just the one mason jar size and two smaller. This was one of the smaller ones and it was enough for me.

Apparently you can make enough for five days (all the same or all different, your choice) and it will all keep in the fridge. So I figure an hour’s work on Sunday night makes five lunches which take 30 seconds to prepare!

I think I’ve got this!

In case you’d like to give it a go, here’s a link to the site where I found the information:

Salad in a Jar

Buen apetito!