Daily Challenge Sketches

I talked in an earlier post about this challenge I’ve set myself to do one sketch a day for a month, so here are the ones I did this week — every day! They are small sketches in my pocket sized sketchbook, and for the most part black and white. I did feel the need to add colour to one when I got home, but the rest are as I finished them on location.

I was encouraged by the guy whose idea this was (on YouTube) when he said the challenge is to do a sketch every day, not to do a good sketch every day — that took the pressure off!

I did put captions on all these, but WordPress has some new format and they all disappeared when I posted. Anyway, the first four are inside and around Cafe Bogota, where I have my coffee every morning. The next one is a different cafe on Avenida Santa Fe. Next is the building across from my apartment. The last one (no idea why WordPress made it this size) is inside Dos Escudos, a different cafe where I went this morning as there was nothing left to sketch around Bogota!