
The fellow who invited us to the George Harrison tribute concert, Viggo—the sound engineer at the venue—invited us this week to a concert by Concuza, a renowned tango singer. (It’s good to have friends in the right places!)

When I saw his photo, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect as he sure doesn’t look like a tango singer—more like a rocker! But when he started to sing his origins were clear! He put his own twist on traditional tango without messing them about beyond all recognition, which is what some modern singers do.

In my mind, if I can’t dance to it, it’s not tango. Not strictly true I know, but it’s just the way I see it. If you listen to the video below, you’ll hear that even when he wanders off, the strong tango beat is still maintained by the piano and the bandoneon. In fact, one couple did get up just in front of the stage and dance.

Another cool thing was that it was definitely a tango audience, and they knew all the words to the songs, joining in when he invited them. All in all, a fabulous concert, and I’ll go to see Cucuza again any time I get the chance.