Fresh Banana Bread for Lunch!

I’m using this enforced isolation to work on my cooking skills. If you know me well you are probably laughing, but it’s true.

This morning I made this banana bread, and I’m having some for lunch. You may think that’s not a very nutritious lunch, but think about it. It has fibre and potassium from the bananas, and a hearty doze of yumminess. What’s wrong with that??

I Cooked Real Food!

If you know me well, you know cooking is not my favourite activity. I like eating, but cooking not so much.

To make matters worse, my temporary apartment has a gas stove, and I’m used to electricity. Truth be told, I’m a little nervous of it. I’ve made peace with the top burners, but haven’t used the oven one single time this year, last year or the year before! That severely limits my options.

In thinking about moving into 2019, that’s one of the things I’d like to change. I have to cook to eat, but I’m going to stop saying I hate it and see if I can learn to enjoy it.

Well, this year my brother and sister-in-law gave me money for Christmas, suggesting I use it to buy something for my new apartment when I get it. While I was in a department store downtown looking for a Christmas gift for someone else, I saw the answer — an electric skillet! I brought it home last week, and last night I finally used it for the first time — I couldn’t wait for the new place. Here’s the result.

Roast beef so tender I could have cut it with a fork, with yummy roast potatoes and onions. And no gas oven!

I’ve been Googling electric skillet recipes and it’s opened up a whole new world! This might even be fun.

Thanks Bruce and Elise!