Coffee Festival

Yesterday there was a festival of coffee at the Plaza de Peru, one of the many green spaces amongst all the buildings in the city. Venetia and Lolly and I went along in late morning, and as soon as we got off the bus beside the entrance, we could smell the coffee! There were dozens of stands all around the sides, many of which had freshly brewed coffee, and the blending of all the aromas made for a heady aroma!

At the first stand we were offered a taste of something called “coffee marmalade”, which was actually quince jam strongly flavoured with coffee. Oh my — I bought a jar immediately and enjoyed more than I should have after dinner last night!

One of the most famous cafes in Buenos Aires, Las Violetas, had a very imaginative stand that was really a miniature cafe, complete with a waiter in white jacket!

Here are some photos of the goods on offer, as well as the people enjoying a late summer day and a cup of great coffee.