What a lovely day I’ve had!

Today was lovely! I got up early even though it was quite cold. I put on my puffy jacket for the first time this season, and that made it OK to sit having breakfast outside the cafe — because right now we are not allowed to eat inside.

Later in the morning I met Venetia at a lovely place that serves a good brunch. It’s quite a nice brisk walk for us both, being halfway between where we live. Here’s a photo of the waffles with berries I had, and it was every bit as yummy as it looks. Actually even better, because I asked for cream on top—how could that not be delicious??

After brunch we walked along Avenida Santa Fé, one of the best shopping avenues in the city. I really need winter clothes, and I did quite well with nice warms sweaters.

But what to do about dinner, that was the question. We have to be home by 8 pm because of the curfew, and the waffles, delicious though they were, couldn’t serve as my one main meal of the day. So I decided to go to one of my favourite parillas for merienda, but have something more substantial which could serve as dinner. Just as I sat down at my table, I heard my name called, and it turned out to be three good friends, Marcia and Cliff, and Silvia, who were quaffing champagne! Turns out this is their regular Saturday haunt, and they invited me to join them. It was lovely!

Here are some photos of the group, as well as sunset over Recoleta Cemetery just across the road.

Life is good!