Christmas Eve at Cecilia’s

In Argentina we celebrate Christmas Eve rather than Christmas Day, and its called Noche Buena. As usual, I spent it with my “Argentine family”, ie Cecilia’s family, in Olivos — just outside the city and into Buenos Aires Province. Besides the family (which includes me!) there were Venetia, Sally and Sasha.

Before the food, we had an adventure with the wine, or at least trying to get at the wine with a fancy schmancy bottle opener. Sally did the honours, with Sasha supposedly helping and Venetia capturing the silliness on video. (Fortunately we found the cheap bottle opener later and had no more problems!)

This year we actually had a traditional English Christmas Dinner, with a big stuffed turkey, followed by plum pudding and ice cream, all cooked beautifully by Venetia. We quaffed lots of Malbec, followed by champagne at midnight after we opened our presents. Here are a few pictures that capture the fun.

Group selfie taken by Cecilia

Sally and Sasha

Just chilling

We stayed overnight, and then after a nice leisurely breakfast this morning we headed home on the train. Nothing much happens here on Christmas Day, so I was very happy just to chill out all by myself at home. I’m about to cook some nice chicken and pasta and maybe sneak in yet another glass of Malbec.

I FaceTimed my family in Scotland, where children-fueled chaos reigned as usual! Just shows that all it takes to make a great Christmas is to be with people who matter to you.

All in all, another lovely Buenos Aires Christmas. I hope you had a good one too.