First full day in Pinamar

We are planning a great meal for Noche Buena (Christmas Eve) with the family. Cecilia’s friend Luis is a very good cook, and he will make paella – which is exciting for everybody except me, as I don’t like seafood! Cecilia is going to make her special pasta dish for me though, so I know it will be good for me too!

The shops will close tomorrow midday until Saturday, so today we went to the big supermarket to buy all the seafood etc. We still have to get the meat for the asado on Christmas Day, but we will do that tomorrow morning as the fridge is jam packed!

Before doing the shopping, we went down to the beach just to check it out, and Venetia took these photos.

Cecilia and I by the Big Pinamar sign — just to remember where we were!

This brought back happy memories. Cecilia’s daughter Pia got married on February 29 this year at this place on the beach. They just got in under the wire, as lockdown started soon after. The people there remembered us, as we were apparently the last wedding before it all shut down!

In the supermarket, I found Johnny Walker and had to have my picture taken with him!

Tomorrow is the big day, but we are still hoping to squeeze in some beach time before we start cooking and getting all glammed up!