More Tango!

Last night I went with my friend Lina to Sueño Porteño, my favourite milonga. It actually opened a couple of weeks ago, but they require proof of vaccination, which I didn’t have at that time. Now that I do, I happily went along last night.

It’s in a different place from before, and although it’s quite a small space, it’s very nice. Julia, the woman who runs it, likes to have theme nights from time to time, and last night it was Charleston. We were supposed to wear fringes if we had them—and I did! I have a great red and black skirt with black fringes on it that Venetia gave me. She bought it in Spain and although she wore it occasionally, she wasn’t that keen on it. I asked if I could borrow it for the milonga, and she said I might as well keep it! Venetia also gave me this lovely black and red shawl for Christmas one year that she bought in Spain—and that has fringe too. I didn’t actually need the shawl as it was quite warm in the milonga, but I’ll be sure to use it another night because it’s beautiful.

Both Lina and I danced a lot in the 90 minutes we were there, and I have to confess my knees are buckling today, and my back is complaining! I asked my physiotherapist if I should push through with my exercises or give them a rest, but he said I should do them. He also suggested I pace myself a little at the beginning and maybe not dance so much—but obviously he’s not a tanguero! After such a long drought, we all want to dance as much as possible, and I’m sure my knees will get used to it. They’ll just have to!