A Tango Legend at 93!

I’m missing tango more than I can say. So much so that I was a naughty girl and broke the rules!

A friend who lives close by invited me to lunch, together with two male friends of hers who also dance. Just the four of us. We all work at home so don’t have to go on buses or be close to others regularly, we all wear our masks and take as much care as possible. Although the others didn’t wear masks, I wound a long chiffon scarf round my face just to be on the safe side. So we mitigated the risk as much as possible, and it felt wonderful to be dancing again!

Wouldn’t you know, just as we were getting into the swing and planning to dance every couple of weeks, the government clamped down again! Shops and hairdressers etc. are still open, but we’re not allowed any gatherings in homes at all, not even with family. So back down in the dumps again.

Here’s a video that cheered me up to no end. This woman is called Blanquita, and at 93 still dancing as you’ll see. In this video she’s dancing milonga, which is a faster form of tango with intricate footwork — I love dancing it. Her footwork is still impressive — and so is the fact that she’s still able to wear tango shoes! I hope you enjoy it.