Something new in my apartment

As I’ve said before, I do love my apartment. I like the high ceilings and the big walls—which present a challenge in terms of artwork. I’ve never been happy with what I have in my living room, mainly because the pieces were too small, but that’s being changed.

I’ve added three huge (poster size) mounted photos on the wall opposite my couch, where I can see and enjoy them. Here they are, with explanations.

This is the whole grouping. Obviously they are black and white (I love the drama of black and white photography), but what you probably can’t see in this one is that on each I have added a small pop of red, as my couch and some accents are red. Here’s the explanation of each one.


These lovely birch trees represent Canada. The photo was taken by my friend Susan Birkenshaw, who has so many beautiful images I left it to her to choose one. I’ve always loved the elegance of birch trees. Good choice, Susan!

This may look like a giant horse’s head, but it’s actually a Kelpie, and it represents Scotland. In Scottish folklore, Kelpies live in and around water. They are shapeshifters, but most often seen as horses. This 30-metre high sculpture is near Falkirk, and the dramatic photo was taken by my brother Bruce. Love this, Brucie!

This eye-popping staircase represents Argentina. It is the beautiful marble staircase in the Palacio Barolo, one of the countless beautiful old buildings in Buenos Aires. This photo was taken by my friend Venetia. Great shot, Venetia!

If you zoom in, I think you can see the red on each one — it was a bit more difficult on the Kelpie because it’s so dark, but I kind of like the subtlety of it.

I love having my three countries represented in these lovely images.

There’s one more picture to come, and I’m picking that up from the framer today. Stay tuned!