
Last night was the second-since-pandemia monthly BAIN wine and tapas night, and it was at my place. Everybody had a great time, and I managed to enjoy it myself! I know you don’t know these people, so I’m just putting in a montage so you can see that a good time was had by all!

BAIN Wine and Tapas at Venetia’s Place

One of the great activities at BAIN is the monthly wine and tapas at the home of a member. Last night was our first one since the pandemia began, and it was wonderful to see many people we hadn’t seen for a very long time.

Great party last night at an amazing apartment

Last night was the monthly wine and tapas night at the home of one of the BAIN members. It was lots of fun as usual, and had the added bonus of being held in an absolutely amazing apartment. It was so big you could get lost in it — in fact Venetia almost did!

The host is a woman who is highly placed at the American Embassy, and the place certainly reflected that. The phrase “how the other half lives” came to mind!

Setting out my Portuguese pastries (pasteis de nata). If I showed up without these now, everyone would be diappointed!

With my friend Lynne.

Small group of “regulars”!

Believe it or not, this was on the balcony, and you can only see half of it here! Beautiful.