A Different Take

I’ve been gazing at this beautiful azalea plant so much that I decided I might as well sketch it. If you’ve seen the photos you’ll realize the colour isn’t true, as the flowers are actually a lovely deep coral pink, and the lighter blossoms are kind of a shell pink. But somehow I couldn’t get the right colour mixed, and a sketch is just an impression anyway, so I decided to go with what I had. I hope you like it.


As Promised

As promised, here’s the updated photo of my azalea plant.

As I sit on my couch I can look out onto my balcony and enjoy it. I’ve never seen a plant with two distinct colour blossoms on it like this. I’m glad I didn’t throw it out when it stopped blooming all those months ago!

Isn’t this Beautiful?

This lovely azalea plant has rewarded my patience. When I bought it, several months ago, it was covered with pink blossoms, but after they died off it had no more flowers for literally months. It always looked healthy, but just green. And why do you buy azaleas? For the flowers of course!

Anyway, just last week I noticed a whole bunch of buds, and now they are opening up into beautiful flowers. Strangely, one side of the plant seems to be way ahead of the other so I’m hoping I get a chance to see all the flowers out at the same time. The other, even stranger, thing is that the branch on the left is sporting what look like white flowers coming! They weren’t there before so I’ve no idea how this happened. Of course, I’m no gardener, so it might be quite common and I wouldn’t know! Anyway, I’m enjoying them. Maybe I’ll post another one when the white blossoms come out fully.