Not much, but it’s a start

I may have mentioned this before, but about a year ago I kind of gave up on acrylic pouring. Despite the fact that I did some really good paintings in Toronto, I just couldn’t seem to get it to work down here. The materials were different, and it looked as if I would need to experiment (a lot!) to get the mixtures right. I was too fed up by that time, so I just put my stuff away and forgot about it.

Well, not quite. I didn’t forget completely, and I still like to watch the YouTube experts producing wonderful art with this medium and method. And this week I had a strong urge to try again. Wisely, instead of starting with a canvas, I bought some little wood coasters in a craft store, and did a bunch of them. Here they are:

The colours are more vibrant than they look here, and I’m really quite pleased with them. (The second red one was pressed into service for another project completely unrelated to painting, and I’ll tell you about that in another post soon. Stay tuned.)

I was encouraged, so I did try a small canvas — without success. Paint still the wrong consistency and it’s destined to be poured over. But I’m going to have another go soon – fingers crossed!