Yes, They Are Canadian

A couple of months ago, I was invited to go to an event at a new restaurant/snack bar with a few friends. When Venetia told me about it, I immediately asked if the owners were Canadian. She looked at me in amazement.

“Yes, they are,” she replied. “How did you know?”

Well, the name of the place is 416. For those of you outside Canada, 416 is the area code for Toronto! Isn’t that a fun name?

Well, in fact I couldn’t go to that event, but this week I finally did go — twice. On Thursday night I went to a Ladies Night Out with a group of fun women friends. It was quite informal, and we sat around eating delicious finger foods and drinking wine and champagne. The food included an amazing, spicy Korean chicken — which was welcome to lovers of spicy food. Argentines are not big on spicy food, and even when you ask for it hot, it rarely measures up. But this was hot hot hot!

I forgot to take photos (Venetia, are you surprised?).

When we were there, the owners told us they have a new monthly event called Sunday Roast, and some of us decided to go for that last night. As you can see from the photo, it is quite dark there, but it’s quite atmospheric and enjoyable. To be honest, I’ve had better roast beef, but everything around it was excellent. Here’s the official photo of the oven roasted cauliflower, which was as delicious as it looks.