
Last night I went to the wedding of Joaquin, Cecilia’s son, and Corina. It was a great event — lovely venue, lovely summer night and good company.

They are definitely not a traditional couple — the bride arrived first and then waited to welcome the groom as he danced down the aisle! Cecilia made a short but sweet speech welcoming Corina into the family.

The event was at the Hipico Argentina, which I think is the Jockey Club. When I arrived there weren’t a lot of guests there yet, and nobody I knew. We stood around for a bit, and a mix of wedding people and horsey people were flowing around. Fortunately, there was a set of huge lights in the shape of the couple’s initials, so at least we knew we were in the right place!

Here are a few images of the evening.

I got a new outfit for the event, and realized I didn’t get my photo taken in it — so I took this one myself when I got home!

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